Karaoke Tuesday: “Sunglasses at Night”

First Offense
First Offense

“Sunglasses at Night”
by Corey Hart
from the album First Offense
Buy the album on Amazon

Yes, i totally missed KaraokeTuesday last week, and admittedly I nearly missed it today (what can I say, it was a day off from work – yay Canada!). This is why Lance and I are blog buddies, to egg each other on when the other one forgets.

I didn’t have cable growing up, but somehow/somewhere I remember watching MTV occasionally (this is before my later years, when I would just watch it at different houses of friends). I have a very foggy memory of the house (or apt.?) where I would watch it, but no idea where that was (my dad’s? a relative’s? No idea).

This song/video is one of the songs I associate distinctly with that memory (I’m sure there a ton, but a few others that stand out are Cindy Lauper – True Colors and Time After Time, and ZZ Top – Legs). I imagine for a while I thought this video was cool, but more strongly I remember thinking how ridiculous it and the video were, so it took me a while to think of trying it at karaoke. When I finally did though, I was hooked. The main vocals are totally in my range. It’s all sung with a sincerity that I’m usually attracted to. It’s a crowd pleaser that reaches into sense memory (at least if you’re over, say, 30). It’s a fierce song. Unfortunately, that’s why I hardly ever do it as well. If I’m going to sing something, i like to commit, and though I certainly didn’t remember it until i first sang it and then started listening to it after to learn the nuances better, the chorus bits are sung with a scratchy/screamy/throaty ferocity that tends to throw off my voice for the rest of the night. Sometimes that works in my favor, but sometimes I feel like I can’t try bigger songs after it (which of course is in the favor of everyone else around). Granted, this is largely because I’m not a good singer and don’t have or use the tools to take care of my voice box, but still.

Either way, it’s a great song (i’m sorry I doubted you for so many years Corey!) and a great song to sing.

About Chris

Chris is a digital producer based in Toronto, but don't worry, he's American. He enjoys karaoke and video games that are old enough to cost under $20. He used to be a master of the pit and live shows but can hardly keep up with anything new nowadays, so he usually goes to his happy place of media from his wayward youth. Chris is still trying to figure out what to be when he grows up.

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