On Friday night I went to check out the Afghan Whigs in Austin, a band I’ve loved since the early 90s but never got to see live. Greg Dulli’s voice is one of my favorites and I’ve often said if I had the chance to sing like anyone, it would be him. His voice is so raspy and powerful, it’s just killer. I was really excited to check them out at a venue I’d never been to be before.
And then the waiting started. I’m usually pretty good about calling a venue and finding out when the actual start time is for a show, but I didn’t do that this time so I had to wait an hour for the opening act. And it was one of those guys that seem to be everywhere right now. A solo artist who uses live loops as backing band. You know, he’ll beatbox into a mic, loop that, then play a riff, loop that and then sing and play guitar to the mess he’s created. He was fine, even talented but so fucking boring. So I sat down on my step and read a book. Good god, I’m lame.
By the time I stood back up, the solo artist had made a painting while one of his loops was playing, I guess. Whatevs. Eventually the Whigs came on stage and played a great four or five songs. And then I left. I was tired and I was cold and I had heard the songs I wanted to hear. Well, enough of them to justify me leaving when I did. Seriously, I was cold and the show was outside. What was I to do? A younger Lance would’ve kicked my ass for a leaving a show early. Oh well. Times they are a changing. Like for instance, in the 90s I couldn’t have watched the Afghan Whigs perform a live set whenever I wanted… but now I all I need to do is perform a Google search:
Totally lame, but I’ve had enough of my own “get off my lawn” moments the past few years that I can’t judge. Of course, I’d also have probably stayed just because I’m too cheap to not get my money’s worth if I buy a ticket.