June’s Music Theme: Power Songs

The theme for this month is slightly ambiguous. I considered calling it “Hardcore Songs”, but I know that’s a music genre itself (though not one I prescribe to), so I’ll go with “Power Songs”. These could be considered a different kind of summer song. They’re the songs that have a bit (or more) of an edge to them, that can give you chills, that are equally perfect when you’re working out and need the extra boost or when you’re angry or you just want to feel like punching something or kicking ass or doing the Sailor dance.

Too ambiguous? We’ll figure it out as we go along.

About Chris

Chris is a digital producer based in Toronto, but don't worry, he's American. He enjoys karaoke and video games that are old enough to cost under $20. He used to be a master of the pit and live shows but can hardly keep up with anything new nowadays, so he usually goes to his happy place of media from his wayward youth. Chris is still trying to figure out what to be when he grows up.

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