November Five-Star Shuffle: “The Wrong Child”

Green“The Wrong Child”
by R.E.M.
from the album Green
Buy the album on Amazon

Sorry to disappointment our adoring fans, because I know I am one day late on my 5-star entry for last week, so getting it in now. And what a punch in the gut depressing entry it is. I think I’ve mentioned before that I was a big R.E.M. fan in my youth, probably up until around Automatic for the People. I don’t remember if Green was their first album I had, and I might argue that Document or Life’s Rich Pageant are better albums, but Green is still the pinnacle of their albums for me. The one that had the most impact and stuck with me the most. In fact, thinking about it now, I should probably do it as an Album of the Month at some point, so let’s get to the song.

Ugh, this song is such a beautiful powerful downer (and someday I want to go on the road with Lance and just perform duets of a bunch of random great songs to sing along to like this one). Like my post last week, it’s also another story song that’s totally easy to visualize when you’re listening to it. The title “The Wrong Child” – I mean, that already sounds troubling. The song is about isolation and friendship and childhood nervousness and cruelty but then throughout this kid is still somehow trying to make the best of things.

I said I’m not supposed to be like this
Let’s try to find a happy game to play
Let’s try to find a happy game to play

I’m not supposed to be like this
But it’s okay, okay

Oof. This song is for all the outsiders. Who hasn’t sometimes felt like they’re not supposed to be the way they are? But can all of us claim to be so positive about it?

I’ve watched the children come and go
A late long march into spring
I sit and watch those children
Jump in the tall grass
Leap the sprinkler
Walk in the ground
Bicycle clothespin spokes
The sound, the smell of swingset hands

I will try to sing a happy song
I’ll try and make a happy game to play

Come play with me I whispered to my new found friend
Tell me what it’s like to go outside
I’ve never been
Tell me what it’s like to just go outside
I’ve never been
And I never will

And I’m not supposed to be like this
I’m not supposed to be like this
But it’s okay

Hey those kids are looking at me
I told my friend myself
Those kids are looking at me
They’re laughing and they’re running over here
They’re laughing and they’re running over here

What do I do?
What can I do?
What should I do?
What do I say?
What can I say?

I said I’m not supposed to be like this
Let’s try to find a happy game to play
Let’s try to find a happy game to play

I’m not supposed to be like this
But it’s okay, okay

About Chris

Chris is a digital producer based in Toronto, but don't worry, he's American. He enjoys karaoke and video games that are old enough to cost under $20. He used to be a master of the pit and live shows but can hardly keep up with anything new nowadays, so he usually goes to his happy place of media from his wayward youth. Chris is still trying to figure out what to be when he grows up.

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