November Five-Star Shuffle: “The Promise”

When In Rome
When In Rome

“The Promise”
by When In Rome
from the album When In Rome
Buy the album on Amazon

Aaah, one of my favorite songs ever, and a must-sing entry in the Chris/Chrance karaoke playlist. This is a song I listen to when I need a pick me up, and a song I sing when I need an ego boost and want to get the crowd in a good mood. Most people don’t know it by name, but as soon as that intro piano tinkle comes on, everyone of at least a certain age has their synapses fire with happy recognition.

 I don’t even remember having a particular affinity for this song growing up. It’s right up the alley of other 80’s synth pop songs/bands I loved so this should have been there too, but I don’t think I ever owned this growing up. I don’t even know how it got on my radar for karaoke. I must have heard it on the radio or in a store early on in the days of karaoke, and decided I should try it. It’s got just enough sincerity without going overboard and is well loved but hardly anyone ever picks it, so I rarely run the risk of someone else putting it in. It’s been a staple ever since I first tried, and after a while Lance started doing back-up which made it even better. Even when he cracks me up doing an echo on some parts (“Sometimes if I shout… (shout shout shout)”. This could be a proper duet and I could give up more of it, but he respects I love it too much to do so.
Excuse me while I listen to it 5 or 6 times on repeat.

About Chris

Chris is a digital producer based in Toronto, but don't worry, he's American. He enjoys karaoke and video games that are old enough to cost under $20. He used to be a master of the pit and live shows but can hardly keep up with anything new nowadays, so he usually goes to his happy place of media from his wayward youth. Chris is still trying to figure out what to be when he grows up.

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